As long as we’re talking details, let’s have a quick look at smartphone hardware.

Some smartphones run on processors. Along with processors, smartphones also have computer chips that provide functionality. Phones with cameras have high-resolution image sensors, just like digital cameras. Other chips support complex functions such as browsing the Internet, sharing multimedia files or playing music without placing too great a demand on the phone’s battery. Some manufacturers develop chips that integrate multiple functions to help reduce the overall cost (fewer chips produced per phone help offset production costs).

  • kernel — management systems for processes and drivers for hardware
  • middleware — software libraries that enable smartphone applications (such as security, Web browsing and messaging)
  • application execution environment (AEE) — application programming interfaces, which allow developers to create their own programs
  • user interface framework — the graphics and layouts seen on the screen
  • application suite — the basic applications users access regularly such as menu screens, calendars and message inboxes